[R] ANOVA "ex post" Analysis
Ulf Mehlig
umehlig at uni-bremen.de
Mon May 10 10:50:00 CEST 1999
Hello out there,
there has recently been a posting of Uli Flenker with a question about
multiple comparisons etc. of means after anova, and I posted a similar
question earlier. So far, I haven't seen any replies on the list. It
would be nice if somebody could give me a hint whether the silence
meant "no", "don't know", "no interest", or simply "question
irrelevant or stupid". Especially the last would ideally be
supplemented by a short literature recommendation ;-)
Might be, that I'm overlooking something, but for non-mathematicians
it is sometimes a little bit hard to find your way through the R help
files, partly, because popular books or articles about statistics read
by, say, simple biologists, use a slightly different language (or
explain things a little bit superficially).
However, even if R is intended for more professional "users", I must
say that I learned a lot from and with R, and I think, it could be a
very valuable tool for "beginners" in statistics, too (much more than
click-and-believe-what-I-say packages used in some institutes I know).
The serious drawback of this for you is, that people like me ask silly
questions on R-help ...
Thank you for patience & sorry for wasting your time,
Uli Flenker <uli at biochem.dshs-koeln.de> wrote:
> Is a function available that extracts multiple comparison of means
> from objects produced by "aov()" ? Sorry if the term is not
> correct, I translated from german word by word ("Multiple
> Mittelwertvergeiche").
> What I mean are procedures like the Student-Newman-Keuls test or
> Scheffe test, that allow to test selected pairs of factor
> combinations after applying an ANOVA to a set of data.
> I'm somewhat surprised that this seems not to be a topic of
> discussion among R-users since great emphasis is put on these
> procedures in most (german) textbooks on applied (bio)statistics.
Ulf Mehlig <umehlig at zmt.uni-bremen.de>
Center for Tropical Marine Ecology/ZMT, Bremen, Germany
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