[R] lty=2

Prof Brian D Ripley ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Thu Mar 11 10:01:13 CET 1999

On 11 Mar 1999, Peter Dalgaard BSA wrote:

> David Scott <d.scott at auckland.ac.nz> writes:
> > I have experienced the same problem as Simon. Here is a very simple
> > example:
> You mean:
> occup<-c(0.561, 0.702, 0.800, 0.568, 0.575, 0.738,
>  0.868, 0.605, 0.594, 0.738, 0.729, 0.600, 0.622, 0.708,
> 0.806, 0.632, 0.665, 0.835, 0.873, 0.670)
> m.a.occup<-c(NA,NA, 0.659500, 0.665750, 0.678750, 0.691875, 0.698875,
> 0.701250, 0.683875,
> 0.665875, 0.668750, 0.668500, 0.674375, 0.688000, 0.697375,
>  0.718625, 0.742875, 0.756000,
> NA, NA)
> plot(occup)
> lines(occup)
> lines(m.a.occup,lty=2)
> (Just saving the next guy a bit of typing. Use dput(occup) etc. if you
> want people to be able to reproduce your data easily.)

Thank you, Peter.

On rw0632 I get the effect if I paste those lines into the console, 
but not if I source the file containing them! On the forthcoming
rw0633 I can't make this misbehave. Looks as if it related to the
recording mechanism in Guido's devga device, and that he has solved it.


Brian D. Ripley,                  ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford,             Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road,                     +44 1865 272860 (secr)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK                Fax:  +44 1865 272595

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