[R] Problem with Rterm.exe
Prof Brian Ripley
ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Wed Mar 3 15:37:15 CET 1999
> Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 15:58:54 +0100
> From: Guido Masarotto <guido at hal.stat.unipd.it>
> To: Markus Huerzeler <mhuerzeler at aicos.com>
> On Tue, Mar 02, 1999 at 02:34:33PM +0000, Markus Huerzeler wrote:
> > I have downloaded rw0632 (Windows Version) from the CRAN at ETH Zuerich.
> > Im working with NT4.0 Service Pack 4. I can start without any problems
> > the GUI program Rgui.exe.
> >
> > But by using Rterm.exe (batch mode or with ESS respectivelly) I always
> > get an error "the instruction at "0x10018ee8" referenced memory at
> > ""......."
> Mark,
> I can't reproduce the error here. But, can you try to
> execute rterm giving the entire path (c:\...\rw0632\bin\Rterm.exe)
> and see if this resolve the problem. Motivation: after the
> release of rw0632 we discovered that the way
> RHOME (i.e, c:\...\rw0632) used to be 'computed' fails on some
> but this can be resolved (for the moment) passing the entire path.
> BTW, this problem has been fixed by Brian Ripley for the forthcoming
> 0.63.3.
I have put up a pretest version of rw0633 at
that appears to work from all the shells we can try, even Cygwin bash.
It has a lot of other fixes, including to system() and the way file
dialogs affect the working directory.
Those who have had problems are welcome to try it. Be aware that it is
based on the current R-release, and
o you should use --vsize 10M not 10
o workspaces are saved in XDR format, so rw0632 cannot read those
saved in this version, but this can read those saved in rw0632 and those
saved on a Unix version of R. If you get caught, use save(,ascii=T)
to save objects in ASCII format.
o The rw-FAQ and other documentation are missing.
As this is a pre-release of beta software, do take suitable care with using it.
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272860 (secr)
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