[R] R on AIX (>4.2)

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Thu Jun 10 08:47:55 CEST 1999

[Subject above:  You probably mean, ">= 4.2" right ?]

>>>>> "TomV" == Thomas Vogels <tov at infiniti.ece.cmu.edu> writes:

    TomV>   I'm determined to get R compiling & running on a machine
    TomV> running AIX 4.2.
Thank you in advance.

    TomV> I've seen previous emails in the archive about
    TomV> this topic.  The main obstacle is getting dynamic loading to
    TomV> work, but it works for Tcl and hence is feasable.

yes and yes.

    TomV> Questions:
    TomV>   - is anybody _currently_ working with R on AIX?  
don't know
    TomV>   - why have previous fixes to the sources not been introduced into
    TomV>     the released versions?
I think we have never seen fixes patchable into the main sources.
The only place I've heard that got it working was  uni-essen.de
and they seem to have used an almost completely different version of
src/unix/dynload.c  from Heiner Schwarte
(and I think I've never seen their version..).

Yes, it would really be great if this problem could finally be solved!

Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch>	http://stat.ethz.ch/~maechler/
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