[R] COMMERCIAL: S-PLUS Data Analysis Software now Available on Linux (fwd)

John Logsdon j.logsdon at lancaster.ac.uk
Thu Jan 28 10:01:06 CET 1999

On Wed, 27 Jan 1999, Prof Brian D Ripley wrote:

> I don't think unsubstantiated S-PLUS knocking on R-help is helpful.

I agree - they are both excellent software and where would R be without
all the ported S+ libraries?

It may be that there will always be some areas where commercial
mathematical software either has the edge.  Graphics is generally such an
area (cf Matlab/Octave).  S+ may well appeal to large institutions, so R
may actually help Mathsoft by introducing potential users.  

Seriously I suspect that R will have a *commercial* effect on Mathsoft but
I expect to see more training courses, which are very good money-spinners
for commercial companies (every threat is also an opportunity).  

There may be a temptation to draw a parallel to the NT/Linux debate which
I also think is sterile.  In this latter case, Linux is the clear winner
for both technical (networks in particular) and security (verifiable code)
reasons but we wouldn't have the powerful PCs if it were not for
Microsoft, the open hardware standard and loads of kids playing games.  It
is very different to R/S+. 


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