[R] A patch for boxplot.R
Yusuke Uchiyama
me at naxgul.kais.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Jan 12 13:30:30 CET 1999
I made a patch for boxplot.R.
These changes allow you to determine the color of upper half, center line, and lower half of a box separately.
You can specify these colors by topcol, center, and bottomcol, respectively.
I will appreciate any suggestion for better implementation and I hope that these features are included to a future version of R.
Yusuke Uchiyama
e-mail: yusuke at kais.kyoto-u.ac.jp
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*** boxplot.R.org Tue Jan 12 12:18:48 1999
--- boxplot.R Mon Jan 11 22:55:31 1999
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boxplot <- function(x, ..., range=1.5, width=NULL, varwidth=FALSE,
notch=FALSE, names.x, data=sys.frame(sys.parent()),
! plot=TRUE, border=par("fg"), col=NULL, log="", pars=NULL)
args <- list(x,...)
namedargs <-
--- 1,6 ----
boxplot <- function(x, ..., range=1.5, width=NULL, varwidth=FALSE,
notch=FALSE, names.x, data=sys.frame(sys.parent()),
! plot=TRUE, border=par("fg"), center=par("fg"), topcol=NULL,bottomcol=NULL, log="", pars=NULL)
args <- list(x,...)
namedargs <-
*** 31,37 ****
groups[i] <- list(boxplot.stats(groups[[i]], range))
if(plot) {
bxp(groups, width, varwidth=varwidth, notch=notch,
! border=border, col=col, log=log, pars=pars)
else groups
--- 31,37 ----
groups[i] <- list(boxplot.stats(groups[[i]], range))
if(plot) {
bxp(groups, width, varwidth=varwidth, notch=notch,
! border=border, center=center, topcol=topcol, bottomcol=bottomcol, log=log, pars=pars)
else groups
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bxp <- function(z, notch=FALSE, width=NULL, varwidth=FALSE,
notch.frac = 0.5,
! border=par("fg"), col=NULL, log="", pars=NULL, ...)
! bplt <- function(x, wid, stats, out, conf, notch, border, col)
## Draw single box plot.
pars <- c(pars, list(...))# from bxp(...).
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bxp <- function(z, notch=FALSE, width=NULL, varwidth=FALSE,
notch.frac = 0.5,
! border=par("fg"), center=par("fg"), topcol=NULL,bottomcol=NULL, log="", pars=NULL, ...)
! bplt <- function(x, wid, stats, out, conf, notch, border, center, topcol, bottomcol)
## Draw single box plot.
pars <- c(pars, list(...))# from bxp(...).
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## stats = +/- Inf: polygon & segments should handle
wid <- wid/2
if(notch) {
! xx <- x+wid*c(-1,1, 1, notch.frac, 1,
! 1,-1,-1,-notch.frac,-1)
! yy <- c(stats[c(2,2)],conf[1],stats[3],conf[2],
! stats[c(4,4)],conf[2],stats[3],conf[1])
! polygon(xx, yy, col=col, border=border)
! segments(x-wid/2,stats[3], x+wid/2,stats[3], col=border)
else {
xx <- x+wid*c(-1,1,1,-1)
! yy <- stats[c(2,2,4,4)]
! polygon(xx, yy, col=col, border=border)
! segments(x-wid,stats[3],x+wid,stats[3],col=border)
segments(rep(x,2),stats[c(1,5)], rep(x,2),
stats[c(2,4)], lty="dashed",col=border)
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## stats = +/- Inf: polygon & segments should handle
wid <- wid/2
if(notch) {
! xxtop <- x+wid*c(-1,1, 1, notch.frac, -notch.frac,-1)
! xxbttm <- x+wid*c(-1,1, 1, notch.frac, -notch.frac,-1)
! yytop <- c(stats[c(2,2)],conf[1],stats[c(3,3)],conf[1])
! yybttm <- c(stats[c(4,4)],conf[2],stats[c(3,3)],conf[2])
! polygon(xxtop, yytop, col=topcol, border=border)
! polygon(xxbttm, yybttm, col=bottomcol, border=border)
! segments(x-wid/2,stats[3], x+wid/2,stats[3], col=center)
else {
xx <- x+wid*c(-1,1,1,-1)
! yytop <- stats[c(2,2,3,3)]
! yybttm <- stats[c(3,3,4,4)]
! polygon(xx, yytop, col=topcol, border=border)
! polygon(xx, yybttm, col=bottomcol, border=border)
! segments(x-wid,stats[3],x+wid,stats[3],col=center)
segments(rep(x,2),stats[c(1,5)], rep(x,2),
stats[c(2,4)], lty="dashed",col=border)
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--- 115,123 ----
if(missing(border) || length(border)==0)
border <- par("fg")
+ if(missing(center) || length(center)==0)
+ center <- par("fg")
plot.window(xlim=c(0.5,n+0.5), ylim=ylim, log=log)
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conf = z[[i]]$conf,
notch= notch,
! col=if(is.null(col)) col else col[(i-1)%%length(col)+1])
if(is.null(pars$axes) || pars$axes) {
if(n > 1) axis(1, at=1:n, labels=names(z))
--- 128,137 ----
conf = z[[i]]$conf,
notch= notch,
! center=center[(i-1)%%length(border)+1],
! topcol=if(is.null(topcol)) topcol else topcol[(i-1)%%length(topcol)+1],
! bottomcol=if(is.null(bottomcol)) bottomcol else bottomcol[(i-1)%%length(bottomcol)+1])
if(is.null(pars$axes) || pars$axes) {
if(n > 1) axis(1, at=1:n, labels=names(z))
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