[R] Creating subscripts in text()

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Wed Feb 10 15:22:06 CET 1999

>>>>> "Detlef" == Dipl -Stat Detlef Steuer <steuer at amadeus.statistik.uni-dortmund.de> writes:

    Detlef> Hello!

    Detlef> Help!  How to create subscripts in text() ?  Could not find an
    Detlef> example nor could I guess it.

You could have guessed, but that's easy to say if one knows it....

   plot(1,type='n'); text(1,1, expression(sum(x[i], i==1, n)  == y[k[n]]))

The help page  "?text"  has a few more examples.


    Detlef> *** The manual said the program requires Windows 95 or better,
    Detlef> *** *** so I installed Linux.  ***

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