[R] installing R under RH Linux 5.2

Martyn Plummer plummer at iarc.fr
Mon Feb 1 10:54:02 CET 1999

[Snip: RedHat/Intel rpm installation problem solved by installing the
 ncurses3 package]

Peter Dalgaard BSA wrote:
> (I seem to recall some ugly story about people fighting over the
> ncurses development, which led to some numbering weirdness and may
> have some relation to this)

RedHat switched from ncurses 3 to ncurses 4 between release 5.0
and 5.1, probably to get over the controversy over what ncurses
3 should be called.

> Actually, it's a bit strange, because R's built on my machine link
> with libncurses.so.4, but perhaps Martyn is catering for older
> systems?

Yes. I deliberately link against ncurses 3.0 so that RedHat
5.0 users don't have to upgrade in order to install the R package.
I explain this in the README file.

The guys who build the Alpha and Sparc rpms don't do this.

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