[R] pairwise scatterplot matrix

Jorge Magalhaes root at mail.telepac.pt
Thu Aug 5 18:14:51 CEST 1999

Dear Friends:

I like so much to work with R program. Congratulations for your work.

I need R for work with multivariate data.

My question is:

With the pairs(X) command my output is a pairwise scatterplot symmetric matrix. Like:

	|    X1  |X1 vs X2|X1 vs X3|X1 vs X4|
	|X2 vs X1|   X2   |X2 vs X3|X2 vs X4|
	|X3 vs X1|X3 vs X2|   X3   |X3 vs X4|
	|X4 vs X1|X4 vs X2|X4 vs X3|   X4   |

It is possible with this command (> pairs(X))  to draw a figure which both indicates the values of correlation coefficients and give the linear regressions of variables? Like  this:

	|    X1  |   C12  |   C13  |   C14   |
	|X2 vs X1|   X2   |   C23  |   C24   |
	|X3 vs X1|X3 vs X2|   X3   |   C34   |
	|X4 vs X1|X4 vs X2|X4 vs X3|   X4    |

Cij indicate the value of the correlation coefficient for the linear regression of the variable i  with the variable j. i=1...4, j=1...4
Xi vs Xj indicate a plot(Xi,Xj).

Have a nice day


| Jorge Magalhães                    Email:  jmagalhaes at eng.uminho.pt  |
| Departamento de Eng. Mecânica      Phone:  + 351 253 510220          |
| Universidade do Minho              Fax:    + 351 253 516007          |
| Campus de Azurém                   Phone:  + 351 276 333008          |
| 4810 Guimarães, Portugal           Email:  mop41059 at mail.telepac.pt  |

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