R-beta: exchanging data between R/Splus and SPSS

Friedrich Leisch Friedrich.Leisch at ci.tuwien.ac.at
Tue Mar 17 18:24:56 CET 1998


is there any way to exchange (A LOT OF) data between SPPS and R/Splus,
i.e., I want to get data from SPSS into R. It is a huge data frame
with many columns being factors, so manual conversion is out of
question (and there are more data to come).

Exporting ASCII from SPSS seems to loose all level names, and the
portable SPSS format doesn't look too nice.

I've searched S-news and statlib, but only found info about DBMS/copy
which is not installed at our university. Did I miss something?

Any help appreciated,
Fritz Leisch

                        Friedrich  Leisch                             
Institut für Statistik                      Tel: (+43 1) 58801 4541
Technische Universität Wien                 Fax: (+43 1)  504 14 98
Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10/1071      Friedrich.Leisch at ci.tuwien.ac.at
A-1040 Wien, Austria             http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~leisch
     PGP public key http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~leisch/pgp.key

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