R-beta: locfit package.

Mark A. Beaumont M.Beaumont at ucl.ac.uk
Thu Jun 4 13:09:19 CEST 1998

Dear Clive,

Thanks for your advice. The problem appears to be with the ints, as you
I changed the typedef long int INT bit of local.h to typedef int INT (note:
this is different from your "all else fails" suggestion), and
reinstalled, and the example now works fine (I haven't checked further, yet)

Best wishes,

>Not sure that I can help with the problem, but would like to track
>it down...
>>I was wondering if someone could help me with a problem getting locfit
>>I am running Digital Unix 3.2D on an alphastation, with R 0.61.1
>Is that a 64 bit system? I know int's and long int's caused problems
>with Locfit and Splus on 64 bit alpha's. Changing int's to long int's
>solved that. But I don't have access to any 64 bit systems for testing,
>so there may be more.
>Some other examples to try (might narrow down the source of the problem):
>> fit <- locfit(~geyser,alpha=c(0.1,0.80),flim=c(1,6),itype="mult")
>> data(ethanol,package=locfit)
>> fit <- locfit(NOx~E,data=ethanol)
>> fit <- locfit(NOx~E,data=ethanol,ev="data")
>(I assume R uses long int's, but can't find that explicitly in the
> documentation. If everything else fails, try changing
>typedef long int INT;
> to
>typedef long int int;
> in the locfit/src/local.h file, and touch *.c, install again etc).

Mark A. Beaumont
Institute of Zoology
Zoological Society of London
Regent's Park
London NW1 4RY UK
Tel:  0171 449 6617
Fax: 0171 586 2870
m.beaumont at ucl.ac.uk

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