R-beta: save.plot()

Philippe Lambert plambert at ulg.ac.be
Fri Jan 23 10:46:18 CET 1998

I currently use R0.61 to produce graphs for use in a tex document.
I first type
to fix the size of my graph, produce some plot type commands,
and then save the whole as an .eps file using save.plot().

The graph is included in the tex file using
in a figure environment.
The problem is that the graph occupies a whole page in the
produced document, whatever the width and height mentioned
in x11().

How can this be avoided? (I don't want to use the command 
postscript because I want to see the graph before saving).

Many thanks in advance,

 Philippe Lambert                   Tel: (+32)-4-3663091
 Universite de Liege               Fax: (+32)-4-3662983
 Faculte d'Economie, de Gestion et de Sciences Sociales
 Sart-Tilman B31, B-4000 Liege
 Belgium                      email: plambert at ulg.ac.be
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