R-beta: Re: redhat-install (fwd)

Helgi Tomasson helgito at rhi.hi.is
Thu Jan 8 02:42:48 CET 1998

I am trying to install a redhat binary.
When I do 

rpm -i name-of-rpm file

I get R-061 needs @PERL@ and R-061 needs /usr/bin/perl, /bin/perl
/sh and /bin/sh

What is @PERL@?  I have perl installed in /usr/bin.

If I run control-panel I get "missing" in the problem column.

Does anyone know what the problem is?

Helgi Tomasson                                       FAX:  354-552-6806
University of Iceland                                PHONE:354-525-4571
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration     email:helgito at rhi.hi.is 
Oddi v/ Sturlugotu        
IS-101 Reykjavik

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