R-beta: Need Help Uncompressing Source

Douglas Bates bates at stat.wisc.edu
Tue Oct 7 23:33:53 CEST 1997

"John vanVlaanderen" <johnvv at hotmail.com> writes:

> Simple enough question, what kind of file is it?

$ file R/src/base/R-0.50-a4.tgz 
R/src/base/R-0.50-a4.tgz: gzip compressed data, deflated, last modified: Tue Sep  9 21:30:21 1997, os: Unix

This just shows that it is gzip'd.  When you run gunzip on it the file
that is created is a "tar" file.  The .tgz extension came from people
getting tired of writing a .tar.gz extension.

If you have the GNU version of tar, you can expand the source
directory tree with
 tar zxf R-0.5-a4.tgz
Otherwise you have to use a two-step method of gunzip'ing it first
then running tar on the result.  That is
 gunzip R-0.50-a4.tgz
 tar xf R-0.50-a4.tar
A third alternative is
 gzip -d -c R-0.50-a4.tgz | tar xf -
Douglas Bates                            bates at stat.wisc.edu
Statistics Department                    608/262-2598
University of Wisconsin - Madison        http://www.stat.wisc.edu/~bates/

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