[Rd] Windows iconv() "failure" in certain locales

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Tue Jun 27 17:36:54 CEST 2017

This is a continuation of the R-devel thread with subject
 "suggestion to fix packageDescription() for Windows users" :

As I said there, a patch should rather address the underlying
problem in packageDescription rather than a kludgy workaround
patch for  citation().
(For that same reason, Ben Marwick proposed to fix
 packageDescription() rather than the symptom seen in citation().)

It's not hard to see that the problem is that  iconv() in
Windows does not always succeed to translate from "UTF-8" to the
"current locale", in the case mentioned there.

I'm giving some easier reproducible examples:  no need to install
half of tidyverse just to get citation("readr") :

> x <- c("Ekstr\xf8m", "J\xf6reskog", "bi\xdfchen Z\xfcrcher")
> Encoding(x1) <- "latin1"
> xU <- iconv(x1, "latin1", "UTF-8")

> Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "Chinese")
[1] "Chinese (Simplified)_People's Republic of China.936"
> iconv(x1, "latin1", "") # NA NA NA
[1] NA NA NA
> iconv(xU, "UTF-8", "") # NA NA NA
[1] NA NA NA
> iconv(xU, "UTF-8", "//TRANSLIT")
[1] "Ekstrøm"         "Jöreskog"        "bißchen Zürcher"
> iconv(xU, "UTF-8", "", sub = "byte")
[1] "Ekstr<c3><b8>m"         "J<c3><b6>reskog"        "bi<c3><9f>chen Z¨¹rcher"

> Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "Arabic")
[1] "Arabic_Saudi Arabia.1256"
> iconv(x1, "latin1", "")  # NA NA NA
[1] NA NA NA
> iconv(xU, "UTF-8", "")  # NA NA NA
[1] NA NA NA
> iconv(xU, "UTF-8", "//TRANSLIT")
[1] "Ekstr\370m"         "J\366reskog"        "bißchen Zürcher"
> iconv(xU, "UTF-8", "", sub="byte")
[1] "Ekstr<c3><b8>m"         "J<c3><b6>reskog"        "bi<c3><9f>chen Zürcher"
> iconv(xU, "UTF-8", "", sub="?")
[1] "Ekstr??m"         "J??reskog"        "bi??chen Zürcher"

Etc... .  As the above is typically garbled between e-mail
transfer agents, I append both the iconv-Windows.R R script and
the corresponding iconv-Windows.Rout  R transcript to this
e-mail (using MIME type text/plain (easy using emacs for mail..)),
and they contain a bit more than the above.

Note that the above shows that using 'sub = *' and using
"//TRANSLIT" in case of a previous NA  result helps quite a bit,
in the sense that it gives much more information to see
  "J?reskog"  instead   NA.

I'm considering updating  packageDescription() to try these in
case it first returns NA.   This would make the citation() hack


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R Under development (unstable) (2017-06-25 r72854) -- "Unsuffered Consequences"
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> #### iconv() behavior depending on Locales  LC_CTYPE  in Windows
> #### =======                       ==============================
> ###
> ### In a *shell* in Windows (emacs), after doing R.home() in R, use that to do something like
> ###   c:/PROGRA~1/R/R-devel/bin/R CMD BATCH iconv-Windows.R
> ###   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^= === ===== ===============  ==> producing  iconv-Windows.Rout
> ###
> sessionInfo() ## does not matter so much
R Under development (unstable) (2017-06-25 r72854)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252 
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252   
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                          
[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] compiler_3.5.0
> ## -- should be Windows to exhibit the problems
> ## From  help(iconv) 's  example : Using "latin1" European language letters:
> x1 <- c("Ekstr\xf8m", "J\xf6reskog", "bi\xdfchen Z\xfcrcher")
> Encoding(x1) <- "latin1"
> xU <- iconv(x1, "latin1", "UTF-8")
> ## 2 locales that do not work well : ---------------------------------
> Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "Chinese")
[1] "Chinese (Simplified)_People's Republic of China.936"
> iconv(x1, "latin1", "") # NA NA NA
[1] NA NA NA
> iconv(x1, "latin1", "//TRANSLIT") # perfect for Chinese
[1] "Ekstrøm"         "Jöreskog"        "bißchen Zürcher"
> iconv(x1, "latin1", "", sub = "byte")
[1] "Ekstr<f8>m"         "J<f6>reskog"        "bi<df>chen Z¨¹rcher"
> iconv(xU, "UTF-8", "") # NA NA NA
[1] NA NA NA
> iconv(xU, "UTF-8", "//TRANSLIT")
[1] "Ekstrøm"         "Jöreskog"        "bißchen Zürcher"
> iconv(xU, "UTF-8", "", sub = "byte")
[1] "Ekstr<c3><b8>m"         "J<c3><b6>reskog"        "bi<c3><9f>chen Z¨¹rcher"
> ##--
> Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "Arabic")
[1] "Arabic_Saudi Arabia.1256"
> iconv(x1, "latin1", "")  # NA NA NA
[1] NA NA NA
> iconv(x1, "latin1", "//TRANSLIT") # not bad, but not perfect
[1] "Ekstr\370m"         "J\366reskog"        "bißchen Zürcher"
> iconv(x1, "latin1", "", sub="byte")
[1] "Ekstr<f8>m"         "J<f6>reskog"        "bi<df>chen Zürcher"
> iconv(x1, "latin1", "", sub="?")
[1] "Ekstr?m"         "J?reskog"        "bi?chen Zürcher"
> iconv(xU, "UTF-8", "")  # NA NA NA
[1] NA NA NA
> iconv(xU, "UTF-8", "//TRANSLIT")
[1] "Ekstr\370m"         "J\366reskog"        "bißchen Zürcher"
> iconv(xU, "UTF-8", "", sub="byte")
[1] "Ekstr<c3><b8>m"         "J<c3><b6>reskog"        "bi<c3><9f>chen Zürcher"
> iconv(xU, "UTF-8", "", sub="?")
[1] "Ekstr??m"         "J??reskog"        "bi??chen Zürcher"
> ## 2 locales that work well for these examples (no wonder) -----------
> Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "German_Switzerland")
[1] "German_Switzerland.1252"
> iconv(x1, "latin1", "")
[1] "Ekstrøm"         "Jöreskog"        "bißchen Zürcher"
> iconv(x1, "latin1", "//TRANSLIT")
[1] "Ekstrøm"         "Jöreskog"        "bißchen Zürcher"
> iconv(x1, "latin1", "", sub="?")
[1] "Ekstrøm"         "Jöreskog"        "bißchen Zürcher"
> iconv(xU, "UTF-8", "")
[1] "Ekstrøm"         "Jöreskog"        "bißchen Zürcher"
> iconv(xU, "UTF-8", "//TRANSLIT")
[1] "Ekstrøm"         "Jöreskog"        "bißchen Zürcher"
> iconv(xU, "UTF-8", "", sub="?")
[1] "Ekstrøm"         "Jöreskog"        "bißchen Zürcher"
> ##--
> Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "English")
[1] "English_United States.1252"
> iconv(x1, "latin1", "")
[1] "Ekstrøm"         "Jöreskog"        "bißchen Zürcher"
> iconv(x1, "latin1", "//TRANSLIT")
[1] "Ekstrøm"         "Jöreskog"        "bißchen Zürcher"
> iconv(x1, "latin1", "", sub="?")
[1] "Ekstrøm"         "Jöreskog"        "bißchen Zürcher"
> iconv(xU, "UTF-8", "")
[1] "Ekstrøm"         "Jöreskog"        "bißchen Zürcher"
> iconv(xU, "UTF-8", "//TRANSLIT")
[1] "Ekstrøm"         "Jöreskog"        "bißchen Zürcher"
> iconv(xU, "UTF-8", "", sub="?")
[1] "Ekstrøm"         "Jöreskog"        "bißchen Zürcher"
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
   0.18    0.14    0.98 

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