[Rd] Announcing the R Documentation Task Force

Andrew Redd Andrew.Redd at hsc.utah.edu
Sat Sep 10 01:02:21 CEST 2016

cross-posting announcement to R-Announce, R-devel and R-package-devel.

The R Consortium recently announced 
support of the R Documentation Task Force.  The task force aims to 
design and implement the next generation documentation system for R.  We 
aim to take the best from the many attempts to improve documentation and 
unify them into a system that will be more standard, flexible and 
powerful.  We have the support and participation of R Core Developers.  
The full proposal is available on the announcement website given above.

If you have expertise in documentation systems or documentation of 
objects or interest in building a documentation system we invite you to 
participate.  We will be considering documentation in all common forms 
such as function and class documentation, but also areas such as data 
frames, non-standard objects, packages, and how vignettes fit into the 
documentation framework.  If you have opinions or concerns that you 
would like to make sure are addressed please join.

To join send an email to Andrew dot Redd at hsc dot utah dot edu, 
expressing your interests, skills or expertise as it relates to R 
documentation.  Also email if you have ideas or concerns but do not wish 
to play and active role.

Thank you,
Andrew Redd

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