[Rd] Building R under Linux - library dependencies

Paweł Piątkowski cosi1 at tlen.pl
Wed Sep 7 17:27:41 CEST 2016

Hello and apologies if this doesn't belong here.

I'm trying to build a "portable" version of R - "portable" means that it could be easily moved to another location or machine simply by copying it. However, I encountered a problem when running it elsewhere: it seems that versions of dynamic libraries used by R are fixed and set at the build time; when that instance of R is run on a system with a different version of certain library (e.g. libicuuc.so.52 instead of libicuuc.so.48), it can't find it and quits.

> bin/exec/R: error while loading shared libraries: libicuuc.so.48: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Is there a way to overcome this problem? Precompiled versions of R can be installed on various system configurations, so I guess that there should be a way to compile it in a version-agnostic manner.

Best regards,

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