[BioC] ggbio

Xin Yang xin.yang at cimr.cam.ac.uk
Mon Jul 23 15:35:04 CEST 2012

Dear members,

I'm using ggbio to get some coverage plot for bam files and I did:

>  autoplot(bamfile, which=genesymbol["IFIH1"],method = "raw")

reading in as Bamfile

Error in .local(data, ...) : method 'raw' require which argument

It seems the "which" argument doesn't work and I checked the 
"genesymbol["IFIH1"]" as follows:

>  genesymbol["IFIH1"]

GRanges with 1 range and 2 elementMetadata cols:

         seqnames                 ranges strand |      symbol      ensembl_id

            <Rle>               <IRanges>   <Rle>  |<character>      <character>

   IFIH1     chr2 [163123590, 163175039]      - |       IFIH1 ENSG00000115267



                     chr1                 chr10 ...                  chrY

                       NA                    NA ...                    NA

>  class(genesymbol["IFIH1"])

[1] "GRanges"


[1] "GenomicRanges"

Does anyone have a solution?
Many thanks,


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