[BioC] edgeR -- gene expression variability

Gordon K Smyth smyth at wehi.EDU.AU
Wed Jan 4 01:04:10 CET 2012

Dear Miguel,

What you are doing seems correct.  Although of course expecting to get 
good estimates of genewise dispersions from just two libraries (one degree 
of freedom) is a bit optimistic.  edgeR tries to do the best that can be 

The edgeR manual tells you that the sqrt(dispersion) is the biological 
coefficient of variation.  Coefficient of variation means sd/mean rather 
than variance.  It is a more appropriate measure of variability than the 
standard deviation for quantities that are strictly positive.

The reason why estimateTagwiseDisp() returns a limited number of distinct 
dispersions is that it maximizes the tagwise dispersions on a grid of 200 
possible dispersion values.  estimateGLMTagwiseDisp() does something 
similar, but adds an extra refinement step in which it interpolates a 
cubic spline through the grid values and maximizes the spline.  Hence the 
dispersion values from estimateTagwiseDisp() are taken from a (largish) 
set of preset values whereas those from estimateGLMTagwiseDisp() are 
always different.

This has no major impact I think on a practical analysis.  Nevertheless we 
have modified estimateTagwiseDisp() on Bioc devel to work like 
estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(), so in future they with behave in a directly 
comparable way.

Please give sessionInfo() output so that we can see what versions of the 
package you are using.

Best wishes

> Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2012 13:40:59 +0100
> From: Miguel Gallach <miguel.gallach at vetmeduni.ac.at>
> To: bioconductor at r-project.org
> Subject: [BioC] edgeR -- gene expression variability
> Hi List,
> I am analyzing my RNA-Seq data with edgeR. The next is my experimental
> design:
> d.GLM
> An object of class "DGEList"
> $samples
>                   group lib.size norm.factors
> R4.Hot     HotAdaptedHot 17409289    0.9881635
> R5.Hot     HotAdaptedHot 17642552    1.0818144
> R9.Hot    ColdAdaptedHot 20010974    0.8621807
> R10.Hot   ColdAdaptedHot 14064143    0.8932791
> R4.Cold   HotAdaptedCold 11968317    1.0061084
> R5.Cold   HotAdaptedCold 11072832    1.0523857
> R9.Cold  ColdAdaptedCold 22386103    1.0520949
> R10.Cold ColdAdaptedCold 17408532    1.0903311
> As you can see, R4 and R5 are replicates of the same biological group (Hot
> adapted), and the same is true for R9 and R10 (Cold adapted).
> I am interested in measuring for each gene its expression variability
> within a biological group (at each temperature) to discern genes that might
> be tightly regulated (or under stabilizing selection). The question in
> particular is: How can I get tagwise dispersion values for the pairs
> (R4.Hot + R5.Hot), (R9.Hot + R10.Hot), (R4.Cold + R5.Cold), (R9.Cold +
> R10.Cold). I assume that the square root of each tagwise dispersion value
> can be interpreted as the expression variance of the corresponding gene
> (i.e., biological variation), as I understood from the edgeR manual. Am I
> correct?
> I tried to calculate it like this:
> R4.R5.HC = edgeR_expressed_genes[,1:2]
> #I tell edgeR there is only one factor, two replicates
> group = factor(c("HC", "HC"))
> Hot.Hot = DGEList(counts = R4.R5.HC, group = group)
> Hot.Hot = calcNormFactors(Hot.Hot)
> Hot.Hot = estimateCommonDisp(Hot.Hot)
> Hot.Hot = estimateTagwiseDisp(Hot.Hot)
> (and similarly for (R9.Hot + R10.Hot), (R4.Cold + R5.Cold), (R9.Cold +
> R10.Cold)).
> What I don't understand is why I just got 20 different dispersion values
> for all genes:
> dim(table(Hot.Hot$tagwise.dispersion))
> [1] 20
> However, when I use the d.GLM dataset (i.e., the 8 samples for the 2x2
> factor design) I get one different dispersion value for each gene:
>> dim(table(d.GLM1$tagwise.dispersion))
> [1] 9418
> Why is this?
> Can I get gene expression variability in a better way to fulfill my aim?
> Thank you very much,
> Miguel Gallach

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