[BioC] heatmap.2 ..help..how to cluster column ..but not Rows..

Saurin D. Jani saurin_jani at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 15 03:49:23 CEST 2011

Hi BioC,

This must be simple but somehow I can not be able to do it...
How can I cluster samples only.. below code is giving me dendrogram on both rows and clumns...! if I do Rowv = FALSE..then I don't see any colors and KEY.

Please see this:

FeatureX is Matrix with proper rows and colmns.

row.dist <- as.dist(1 - cor(t(FeatureX)));
col.dist <- as.dist(1 - cor(FeatureX));
heatmap.2(FeatureX,col=bluered,Colv = as.dendrogram(hclust(col.dist, method = "centroid")), scale = "none",key = TRUE,density.info = "none",tracecol="black");

Thank you in advance,

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