[BioC] Parameter names must by syntactically valid names in R

Karl Brand k.brand at erasmusmc.nl
Mon Feb 1 17:54:05 CET 2010

Dear BioCers,

Anyone that could shed light on the error-

  "Parameter names must by syntactically valid names in R"

-would be greatly appreciated.

Google turned up were these relevant findings:


-which suggested spaces in names could yield such errors. I failed to 
find such spaces in my targets file (fwd at bottom).


-indicated names should not begin with numbers or ".". Which they do not 
as far a i could find, atleast in my targets or sript.

Of particular note is that identical code run 24 hrs earlier on a 
different machine succeeded without this error. Unfortunately i do not 
have sessionInfo from that session and wont be able gain it as such any 
time soon.

What am i doing wrong (today and not yesterday!)?

Look forward to any thoughts on this, cheers,


 > targets <- 

 > Tissue <- factor(targets$Tissue)
 > Pperiod <- factor(targets$Pperiod)
 > Time <- factor(targets$Time)
 > design <- model.matrix(~0 + Tissue*Pperiod + Time, data=targets)
 > colnames(design)
  [1] "TissueC"           "TissueR"           "PperiodLO"
  [4] "PperiodSH"         "Timeb"             "Timec"
  [7] "Timed"             "Timee"             "Timef"
[10] "Timeg"             "Timeh"             "Timei"
[13] "Timej"             "Timek"             "Timel"
[16] "Timem"             "Timen"             "Timeo"
[19] "Timep"             "TissueR:PperiodLO" "TissueR:PperiodSH"
 > fit <- lmFit(rma.pp, design)
 > cont.matrix <- makeContrasts(TissueR-TissueC, levels = design)
Error in makeContrasts(TissueR - TissueC, levels = design) :
   Parameter names must by syntactically valid names in R
 > sessionInfo()
R version 2.10.1 (2009-12-14)

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252

attached base packages:
[1] grDevices datasets  splines   graphics  stats     tcltk
[7] utils     methods   base

other attached packages:
[1] mouse4302cdf_2.5.0 limma_3.2.1        affy_1.24.2
[4] Biobase_2.6.1      svSocket_0.9-48    TinnR_1.0.3
[7] R2HTML_1.59-1      Hmisc_3.7-0        survival_2.35-7

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] affyio_1.14.0        cluster_1.12.1       grid_2.10.1
[4] lattice_0.17-26      preprocessCore_1.8.0 svMisc_0.9-56
[7] tools_2.10.1
Targets file, "RNA_Targets_RE-ORDered&timeInRank&NoAnimal_L-E-S_c.txt":

FileName	Tissue	Pperiod	Time
F01-Karl-Hyb3-PPL3-sample02.CEL	R	SH	a
F02-Karl-Hyb3-PPL3-sample03.CEL	C	SH	a
F03-Karl-Hyb3-PPL5-sample02.CEL	R	SH	b
F04-Karl-Hyb3-PPL5-sample03.CEL	C	SH	b
F05-Karl-Hyb3-PPL3-sample04.CEL	R	SH	c
F06-Karl-Hyb3-PPL3-sample05.CEL	C	SH	c
F07-Karl-Hyb3-PPL5-sample04.CEL	R	SH	d
F08-Karl-Hyb3-PPL5-sample05.CEL	C	SH	d
F09-Karl-Hyb3-PPL3-sample06.CEL	R	SH	e
F10-Karl-Hyb3-PPL3-sample07.CEL	C	SH	e
F11-Karl-Hyb3-PPL5-sample06.CEL	R	SH	f
F12-Karl-Hyb3-PPL5-sample07.CEL	C	SH	f
F13-Karl-Hyb3-PPL3-sample08.CEL	R	SH	g
F14-Karl-Hyb3-PPL3-sample09.CEL	C	SH	g
F15-Karl-Hyb3-PPL5-sample08.CEL	R	SH	h
F16-Karl-Hyb3-PPL5-sample09.CEL	C	SH	h
F17-Karl-Hyb3-PPL3-sample10.CEL	R	SH	i
F18-Karl-Hyb3-PPL3-sample11.CEL	C	SH	i
F19-Karl-Hyb3-PPL5-sample10.CEL	R	SH	j
F20-Karl-Hyb3-PPL5-sample11.CEL	C	SH	j
F21-Karl-Hyb3-PPL3-sample12.CEL	R	SH	k
F22-Karl-Hyb3-PPL3-sample13.CEL	C	SH	k
F23-Karl-Hyb3-PPL5-sample12.CEL	R	SH	l
F24-Karl-Hyb3-PPL5-sample13.CEL	C	SH	l
F25-Karl-Hyb3-PPL3-sample14.CEL	R	SH	m
F26-Karl-Hyb3-PPL3-sample15.CEL	C	SH	m
F27-Karl-Hyb3-PPL5-sample14.CEL	R	SH	n
F28-Karl-Hyb3-PPL5-sample15.CEL	C	SH	n
F29-Karl-Hyb3-PPL3-sample16.CEL	R	SH	o
F30-Karl-Hyb3-PPL3-sample17.CEL	C	SH	o
F31-Karl-Hyb3-PPL5-sample16.CEL	R	SH	p
F32-Karl-Hyb3-PPL5-sample17.CEL	C	SH	p
F33-Karl-Hyb1-PPL1-sample02.CEL	R	EQ	a
F34-Karl-Hyb1-PPL1-sample03.CEL	C	EQ	a
F35-Karl-Hyb1-PPL6-sample02.CEL	R	EQ	b
F36-Karl-Hyb1-PPL6-sample03.CEL	C	EQ	b
F37-Karl-Hyb1-PPL1-sample04.CEL	R	EQ	c
F38-Karl-Hyb1-PPL1-sample05.CEL	C	EQ	c
F39-Karl-Hyb1-PPL6-sample04.CEL	R	EQ	d
F40-Karl-Hyb1-PPL6-sample05.CEL	C	EQ	d
F41-Karl-Hyb1-PPL1-sample06.CEL	R	EQ	e
F42-Karl-Hyb1-PPL1-sample07.CEL	C	EQ	e
F43-Karl-Hyb1-PPL6-sample06.CEL	R	EQ	f
F44-Karl-Hyb1-PPL6-sample07.CEL	C	EQ	f
F45-Karl-Hyb1-PPL1-sample08.CEL	R	EQ	g
F46-Karl-Hyb1-PPL1-sample09.CEL	C	EQ	g
F47-Karl-Hyb1-PPL6-sample08.CEL	R	EQ	h
F48-Karl-Hyb1-PPL6-sample09.CEL	C	EQ	h
F49-Karl-Hyb1-PPL1-sample10.CEL	R	EQ	i
F50-Karl-Hyb1-PPL1-sample11.CEL	C	EQ	i
F51-Karl-Hyb1-PPL6-sample10.CEL	R	EQ	j
F52-Karl-Hyb1-PPL6-sample11.CEL	C	EQ	j
F53-Karl-Hyb1-PPL1-sample12.CEL	R	EQ	k
F54-Karl-Hyb1-PPL1-sample13.CEL	C	EQ	k
F55-Karl-Hyb1-PPL6-sample12.CEL	R	EQ	l
F56-Karl-Hyb1-PPL6-sample13.CEL	C	EQ	l
F57-Karl-Hyb1-PPL1-sample14.CEL	R	EQ	m
F58-Karl-Hyb1-PPL1-sample15.CEL	C	EQ	m
F59-Karl-Hyb1-PPL6-sample14.CEL	R	EQ	n
F60-Karl-Hyb1-PPL6-sample15.CEL	C	EQ	n
F61-Karl-Hyb1-PPL1-sample16.CEL	R	EQ	o
F62-Karl-Hyb1-PPL1-sample17.CEL	C	EQ	o
F63-Karl-Hyb1-PPL6-sample16.CEL	R	EQ	p
F64-Karl-Hyb1-PPL6-sample17.CEL	C	EQ	p
F65-Karl-Hyb2-PPL2-sample02.CEL	R	LO	a
F66-Karl-Hyb2-PPL2-sample03.CEL	C	LO	a
F67-Karl-Hyb2-PPL4-sample02.CEL	R	LO	b
F68-Karl-Hyb2-PPL4-sample03.CEL	C	LO	b
F69-Karl-Hyb2-PPL2-sample04.CEL	R	LO	c
F70-Karl-Hyb2-PPL2-sample05.CEL	C	LO	c
F71-Karl-Hyb2-PPL4-sample04.CEL	R	LO	d
F72-Karl-Hyb2-PPL4-sample05.CEL	C	LO	d
F73-Karl-Hyb2-PPL2-sample06.CEL	R	LO	e
F74-Karl-Hyb2-PPL2-sample07.CEL	C	LO	e
F75-Karl-Hyb2-PPL4-sample06.CEL	R	LO	f
F76-Karl-Hyb2-PPL4-sample07.CEL	C	LO	f
F77-Karl-Hyb2-PPL2-sample08.CEL	R	LO	g
F78-Karl-Hyb2-PPL2-sample09.CEL	C	LO	g
F79-Karl-Hyb2-PPL4-sample08.CEL	R	LO	h
F80-Karl-Hyb2-PPL4-sample09.CEL	C	LO	h
F81-Karl-Hyb2-PPL2-sample10.CEL	R	LO	i
F82-Karl-Hyb2-PPL2-sample11.CEL	C	LO	i
F83-Karl-Hyb2-PPL4-sample10.CEL	R	LO	j
F84-Karl-Hyb2-PPL4-sample11.CEL	C	LO	j
F85-Karl-Hyb2-PPL2-sample12.CEL	R	LO	k
F86-Karl-Hyb2-PPL2-sample13.CEL	C	LO	k
F87-Karl-Hyb2-PPL4-sample12.CEL	R	LO	l
F88-Karl-Hyb2-PPL4-sample13.CEL	C	LO	l
F89-Karl-Hyb2-PPL2-sample14.CEL	R	LO	m
F90-Karl-Hyb2-PPL2-sample15.CEL	C	LO	m
F91-Karl-Hyb2-PPL4-sample14.CEL	R	LO	n
F92-Karl-Hyb2-PPL4-sample15.CEL	C	LO	n
F93-Karl-Hyb2-PPL2-sample16.CEL	R	LO	o
F94-Karl-Hyb2-PPL2-sample17.CEL	C	LO	o
F95-Karl-Hyb2-PPL4-sample16.CEL	R	LO	p
F96-Karl-Hyb2-PPL4-sample17.CEL	C	LO	p

Karl Brand <k.brand at erasmusmc.nl>
Department of Genetics
Erasmus MC
Dr Molewaterplein 50
3015 GE Rotterdam
lab +31 (0)10 704 3409 fax +31 (0)10 704 4743 mob +31 (0)642 777 268

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