[BioC] siggenes failure

Louisa A Rispoli/AS/EXP/UTIA larispoli at mail.ag.utk.edu
Wed Aug 6 17:36:07 CEST 2008

To all-

I have finally figured out how to use ebam and incorparate a database so I
can know what genes are interesting, or at least it was working yesterday
but no longer. For some reason the ebam is not the right S4 object though I
am using the same code as I did yesterday. I can not figure out where the
issue is, hopefully someone else's keen eyes can spot where it has gone

Sincerely Louisa


> library(siggenes)
Loading required package: multtest
> Filter.mas <- exprs(Cum.mas.filter)
> find.out <- find.a0(Filter.mas, cl, B=5000, rand=123456)

We're doing 12870 complete permutations
and randomly select 5000 of them.

> ebam.out <- ebam(find.out)

> ebam2excel(ebam.out, delta=0.9,file="Cumulus.csv", n.digits=4,
what="both", quote=FALSE)
Output is stored in Cumulus.csv

> genenames <- list.siggenes(ebam.out, 0.9)
> save.image("C:\\Documents and Settings\\Louisa Rispoli\\My
Documents\\Louisa\\Rebecca Payton\\HS Microarray\\Cumulus
> library(bovine.db)
Loading required package: AnnotationDbi
Loading required package: DBI
Loading required package: RSQLite
> library(annaffy)
Loading required package: GO.db
Loading required package: KEGG.db
> aaf.handler()
 [1] "Probe"               "Symbol"              "Description"
"Chromosome"          "Chromosome Location"
 [6] "GenBank"             "Gene"                "Cytoband"
"UniGene"             "PubMed"
[11] "Gene Ontology"       "Pathway"
> anncols <- aaf.handler()[c(1:3, 6:7,11:12)]
> anncols
[1] "Probe"         "Symbol"        "Description"   "GenBank"       "Gene"
"Gene Ontology" "Pathway"
> anntable <- aafTableAnn(genenames, "bovine.db", anncols)
> saveHTML(anntable, "Cumulus5000.html", title="Cumulus Data with 5000
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.7.1 (2008-06-23)

LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252

attached base packages:
 [1] tcltk     splines   tools     stats     graphics  grDevices utils
datasets  methods   base

other attached packages:
 [1] siggenes_1.14.0      multtest_1.20.0      affycoretools_1.12.1
annaffy_1.12.1       KEGG.db_2.2.0        biomaRt_1.14.0
 [7] RCurl_0.9-3          GOstats_2.6.0        Category_2.6.0
RBGL_1.16.0          annotate_1.18.0      xtable_1.5-2
[13] GO.db_2.2.0          AnnotationDbi_1.2.2  RSQLite_0.6-9
DBI_0.2-4            graph_1.18.1         limma_2.14.5
[19] bovinecdf_2.2.0      tkWidgets_1.18.0     DynDoc_1.18.0
widgetTools_1.16.0   simpleaffy_2.16.0    gcrma_2.12.1
[25] matchprobes_1.12.0   genefilter_1.20.0    survival_2.34-1
affy_1.18.2          preprocessCore_1.2.1 affyio_1.8.1
[31] Biobase_2.0.1

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] cluster_1.11.11 XML_1.94-0.1


> library(siggenes)
Loading required package: multtest
> Filter.mas <- exprs(Cum.mas.filter)
> find.out <- find.a0(Filter.mas, cl, B=5000, rand=123456)

We're doing 12870 complete permutations
and randomly select 5000 of them.

> ebamCum <- ebam(find.out)
> ebamCum
EBAM Analysis for the Two-Class Unpaired Case Assuming Unequal Variances

Fudge Factor:  a0 = 0.0941

  Delta Number    FDR
1   0.9     77 0.0619

> CumNames <- list.siggenes(ebamCum, 0.9)
Error in list.siggenes(ebamCum, 0.9) :
  no slot of name "row.sig.genes" for this object of class "table"
In addition: Warning message:
In list.siggenes(ebamCum, 0.9) :
  trying to get slot "row.sig.genes" from an object (class "table") that is
not an S4 object

> summary(ebamCum, 0.9)
EBAM Analysis for the Two-Class Unpaired Case Assuming Unequal Variances

Delta: 0.9
a0: 0.0941
p0: 1
Cutlow: -2.7031
Cutup: 2.4761
Identified Genes: 77
Estimated FDR: 0.06191

Identified Genes (posterior >= 0.9):

    Row z.value posterior local.fdr               Name
1  6191  -4.160    0.9906  0.009395   Bt.26365.1.A1_at
2  5431   4.012    0.9909  0.009117   Bt.24179.1.A1_at
3  9987   3.917    0.9894  0.010574    Bt.8479.1.A1_at
4  8305  -3.857    0.9845  0.015473    Bt.4714.1.S1_at
5  6083  -3.714    0.9804  0.019568    Bt.2577.1.S1_at
6  4100  -3.567    0.9751  0.024895   Bt.21220.1.S1_at
7  3314   3.563    0.9816  0.018380   Bt.19889.1.A1_at
8  3986   3.523    0.9804  0.019572   Bt.20994.1.S1_at
9  7822   3.497    0.9796  0.020381    Bt.3797.1.S1_at
10 9166  -3.387    0.9666  0.033366    Bt.6438.1.A1_at
11 1573  -3.381    0.9663  0.033686   Bt.13993.2.S1_at
12 3759   3.366    0.9750  0.024994   Bt.20520.1.S1_at
13 1572  -3.289    0.9609  0.039091   Bt.13993.1.A1_at
14 7051   3.274    0.9712  0.028841   Bt.28332.1.S1_at
15 9507   3.265    0.9708  0.029246    Bt.7190.1.S1_at
16 4671  -3.264    0.9593  0.040720    Bt.2230.1.S2_at

> ebam2excel(ebamCum, delta=0.9,file="Cumulus.csv", n.digits=4,
what="both", quote=FALSE)
Length  Class   Mode
     1   EBAM     S4

R version 2.7.1 (2008-06-23)

LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252

attached base packages:
 [1] tcltk     splines   tools     stats     graphics  grDevices utils
datasets  methods   base

other attached packages:
 [1] siggenes_1.14.0      multtest_1.20.0      affycoretools_1.12.1
annaffy_1.12.1       KEGG.db_2.2.0        biomaRt_1.14.0
 [7] RCurl_0.9-3          GOstats_2.6.0        Category_2.6.0
RBGL_1.16.0          annotate_1.18.0      xtable_1.5-2
[13] GO.db_2.2.0          AnnotationDbi_1.2.2  RSQLite_0.6-9
DBI_0.2-4            graph_1.18.1         limma_2.14.5
[19] bovinecdf_2.2.0      tkWidgets_1.18.0     DynDoc_1.18.0
widgetTools_1.16.0   simpleaffy_2.16.0    gcrma_2.12.1
[25] matchprobes_1.12.0   genefilter_1.20.0    survival_2.34-1
affy_1.18.2          preprocessCore_1.2.1 affyio_1.8.1
[31] Biobase_2.0.1

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] cluster_1.11.11 XML_1.94-0.1

"If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called Research." - Albert

Louisa Rispoli, Ph.D. Reproductive Physiology
Department of Animal Science
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
A105 Johnson Animal Research and Teaching Unit
1750 Alcoa Highway
Knoxville, TN 37920
phone:(865) 946-1874
fax:(865) 946-1010
email: lrispoli at utk.edu

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