[BioC] Help with library(affy)
James W. MacDonald
jmacdon at med.umich.edu
Thu Apr 26 21:09:09 CEST 2007
Tillinghast, Guy, M.D. wrote:
> Is this an appropriate place to email my questions regarding affy?
Yes, but a more accurate subject line would be 'help with ReadAffy()'.
> I have used the function "file" to retrieve a CEL file from by Windows platform C drive.
> x<-file(description="C:\ etc")
That doesn't retrieve a file - it opens a connection to a file, which is
quite a different thing.
> However, when using ReadAffy, my generated file appears to read as a symbol.
> data<-ReadAffy(x)
Exactly, because that is what you are passing. According to the help
page for ReadAffy(), you want to pass a character vector:
...: file names separated by comma.
filenames: file names in a character vector.
In addition, if your files aren't in the working directory, you can use
the celfile.path argument. Again, from the help page:
celfile.path: a character denoting the path 'ReadAffy' should look for
cel files
So you can pass a character vector that includes the path, or just point
ReadAffy() to a directory that contains your celfiles and it will load
them all in.
> Error message: VECTOR_ELT() can only be applied to a 'list' not a 'symbol'
> Also, I cannot find documentation on VECTOR_ELT(). I have looked in read.affybatch in R documentation.
> Do I need an argument which will convince ReadAffy that x is indeed a list and not a symbol?
> Would a widget help?
> Many thanks,
> Guy Tillinghast, MD
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James W. MacDonald, M.S.
Affymetrix and cDNA Microarray Core
University of Michigan Cancer Center
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