[BioC] GlobalAncova
Hans-Ulrich Klein
h.klein at uni-muenster.de
Mon Apr 2 18:00:51 CEST 2007
Dear List,
I have a couple of covariates in conjunction with my gene expression
values. I want to know, whether some of the covariates have an influence
on the expression values. The GlobalAncova package seems to be able to
answer this question.
"data" is a matrix (genes x samples) with gene expression values.
"pData" is a data frame with several covariates (factors as well as
numeric values). One factor is "Hyb" and describes the day of
hybridization. I tried the following:
> ga.Hyb <- GlobalAncova(xx=data, formula.full=~Class+Hyb,
formula.red=~Class, model.dat=pData, perm=perm, test.genes=NULL);
The call above leads to the error message
"Error in solve.default(t(D) %*% D) : Lapack routine dgesv: system is
exactly singular".
Is it possible to use a pseudoinverse within GlobalAncova to get a
parameter estimation in spite of the singularity? I read that
GlobalAncova uses ordinary least squares like lm() does. lm() can handle
such situations.
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