[BioC] grep GOID, R problem or my problem?

Seth Falcon sfalcon at fhcrc.org
Wed Nov 9 22:10:55 CET 2005

Hi Fangxin,

On  9 Nov 2005, fhong at salk.edu wrote:

> Hi list, Anyone tried to "grep" a target GOID from a list of GOIDs?
> I found that it made random mistakes, meaning it might grep a GOID
> which is not the target one by random.

The random mistakes part seems... unlikely.  I ran the code you
pasted, but it didn't demonstrate the issue very clearly.  Do you
think you can simplify a bit and send a runnable example that will
show us what you are seeing?

Also, if you have a list of GOIDs, I wonder if match() or %in% might be a
better choice than grep.  Or perhaps grep's fixed=TRUE option.  It
seems you don't really want a regular expression, but an exact match.


+ seth

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