[BioC]: Chromosome plotting/geneplotter

Anthony Bosco anthonyb at ichr.uwa.edu.au
Tue May 25 11:28:02 CEST 2004


I am interested in plotting the chromosomal location of linkage 
markers identified in genome screens of complex diseases with 
differentially expressed genes that I have identified in microarray 

Also is it possible to label chromsome plots with centromere 
locations, gene symbols, p and q regions of chromosome etc.



Anthony Bosco - PhD Student

Institute for Child Health Research
(Company Limited by Guarantee ACN 009 278 755)
Subiaco, Western Australia, 6008

Ph 61 8 9489  , Fax 61 8 9489 7700
email anthonyb at ichr.uwa.edu.au

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