[BioC] Recent changes to Bioconductor packages

madman at jimmy.harvard.edu madman at jimmy.harvard.edu
Sat May 17 06:00:02 MEST 2003

This is an automated message sent out weekly to report recent changes
to Bioconductor packages.  Please see the URL 
http://www.bioconductor.org/changelog.html for a complete history.
15 May, 2003: annotate/geneplotter - These packages now make use of the
     1.2.6 version of the data packages (and will not work on any version
     less then 1.2.6).  JG

15 May, 2003: A new version (1.2.6) of the data packages are available 
     for download. JZ

14 May, 2003: geneplotter - Cleaned up cPlot/cColor/alongChrom and friends
     to utilize the new chromLocation class structure, and to be portable
     across any organism.

12 May, 2003: Ruuid - Fixed a memory bug in Ruuid. JG

12 May, 2003: annotate - Fixed a bug in locuslinkByID where if multiple
     locuslink IDs were chosen, only the page for the first was shown. JG

12 May, 2003: Rgraphviz - More properly fixed the stability problems in
     Rgraphviz, in a way that solves the problem at its root.  Also does
     not have the memory leak side effect of the previous fix.  JG

10 May, 2003: limma - imported version 1.0.5 - new function 'printorder',
     added sma to dependencies in DESCRIPTION, updates and corrections
     to User's Guide.  GKS

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