[BioC] Invalid "marrayInfo"

Straubhaar, Juerg Juerg.Straubhaar at umassmed.edu
Thu Jul 24 11:59:20 MEST 2003

Using the command line: 


*       swirl.samples<-read.marrayInfo(file.path(datadir,


directly out of the Vignette: Introduction to the Bioconductor
marrayInput packacke, I get the following error:


Error in validObject(.Object) : Invalid "marrayInfo" object: Invalid
object for slot "maInfo" in class "marrayInfo": got class "NULL", should
be or extend class "data.frame"


I couldn't parse my sample information into the maInfo object and I
noticed it doesn't work with the Bioconductor example file either. Has
the marrayInfo Class changed?


Juerg Straubhaar,

Umass Med

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