[BioC] tkctk widgets

John Zhang John Zhang <jzhang@jimmy.harvard.edu>
Thu, 21 Mar 2002 11:24:32 -0500 (EST)

I finally had the chance to work on the tkWidgets a little bit and the following 
are what I did in reaponse to Rafael's comments:

>here is some further functionality that would be nice. the list is in
>what i suspect is increasing order of dificulty (apologies in advance if
>some of these are impossible):

>1 -  a click selects a file thats
>not selected and deselect a file that is selected.

Yes, has been done. 

>2 -  drag select

Yes, has been done.

>3 - two selection boxes: one showing all with suffix "[cC][eE][lL]" in
>the path another with all with suffix "[cC][dD][fF]". 

I put two boxes in but with one showing the files in a given directory based on 
predefined prefix or suffix and the other showing the files that are selected. I 
will put something there to allow users to change the prefix/suffix on the fly 
so that one box can be used to disply e. g. the [cC][eE][lL] and [cC][dD][fF] 

>4 - areas for writing in information needed. for example, comments,
>annotation, names for columns, file to read phenodata from, etc.. 

Not yet.
