[BioC] expresso and rhdf5

"Hölter, Tanja" tanja.hoelter@medizin.uni-essen.de
Thu, 22 Aug 2002 13:54:38 +0200

Hello I've three stupid questions. I work with Microarrays and use the
affy package to analyse cel Files. I'm not very familiar with R. Here
are my questions:

1. If I use the expresso(w=T) ,there is a error:
Error in normalize(listcel.n,cdf,method=normalize.method,...):
object "listcel.n" not found
What is the reason that there is the error?

2. I don't know how I can install the rhdf5 package, respectively how to
install the hdf5, which I  have downloaded. Must I set a path or so in

3. If I want to summary my expression with the normalisation method from
li and wong there is a error:
Error in density (x, kernel="epanechnikov", n=n.pts):
x contains missing values

I don't know how to work with the invariantset method because I can't
work with this normalized data.

With best regards
Tanja Hölter

Dipl. Statistikerin Tanja Hölter
Institut für Medizinische Informatik,
Biometrie und Epidemiologie
Universitätsklinikum Essen
D-45122 Essen
FAX: (49)201-723-5933